Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

Hey hey.
here's all belongs to Jenn.
mind yourself, please

If you dislike this blog, just LEAVE

Jenn Jenn

kissed goodbye lovey teenage on 3rd of January , currently studying at UniversityTunkuAbdulRahman, sleep in Selangor, Malaysia. You can contact me at JennL_ok@hotmail.com, strictly no spammer allow. Find my faded footprint at my | previous blog.

LovesMy Babes, boyfrie , Shoes and Bags, Tomato sauce, Morning Dream
Hates lizard, cat's tail, body odour, backstabbers, fuck-face, unreasonable-idiots

Lastly, If you think you know me well
read my blog, and think again

Did you tell me you would never leave me this way?

The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away

Twitter Me.

follow Jenn at http://twitter.com

I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

❥ Jenn, the faded memories
❥ Cheryl
❥ Leyna
❥ Leanne

• Abang Fu
• Alex
• Ashley
• BiBi
• Brother-James
• Elisa
• Gun
• Hui Nee
• Jane-blogspot
• Jass
• Jennie
• Jing Cong
• LiLi
• Sam-LazyOne
• Sam
• Tzia
• Yao

♥ SpyOrange
♥ WanWan
♥ cheesie
♥ XiaXue

you count down ten to one, when on zero you can smile

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“life will be better in spring”
June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 May 2012

Monday, August 31, 2009 || 9:38 PM
shit! Mr. lizard is killing me

though it's about 4 cm long, I still afraid of it
and why I met Mr. lizard even at Kampar?!

gosh, it's now gone
and I feel very unsafe since I haven't even saw its dead body

okay, I admit, I'm no-gut-women
how? I suka

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xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
|| 1:42 PM

所以摩羯要時時提醒自己,真正的富足 在裡面,不在外面。


okay, I'd admit, this is somehow quite true

山羊座: 偷偷告訴你山羊們最喜歡「不被人用到、說到、寫到、注意到」, 他們拒絕任何對他們的需要,並且在其中以一種病態的方式享受這 種「不被用到」的快感。 山羊們幾乎毫無生活的情調與樂趣,比金牛更糟的是,山羊可以不 要愛而只要性。還有山羊的龜毛程度,也直逼最高精神導師處女座 ,更了不起的是羊兒們非常不容易迷上某樣事物。 是的,山羊座就是一個這般冷漠、功利到讓每一個他身邊的人,甚 至是至親都不想理他的「東西」...。 然而這就對了!羊兒們正是熱愛「不被需要」。他們想要避免掉一 切的事情;所有屬於人類的玩意兒,都令山羊覺得倒胃口和毫無意 義;當然,權力與金錢除外!山羊座的字典裡沒有「服務」二字。 山羊座只有兩種生命現象:假裝活力十足地,以期能贏取更多權力 、金錢、控制範圍是一種,默默的站著領受一切針對他的自私、自 閉、冷漠、固執、無情、不健康等批評與辱罵是另一種。我一個朋 友曾說:「山羊座是活死人……」,這可不是我說的喔!

this is awesome
他們拒絕任何對他們的需要,並且在其中以一種病態的方式享受這 種「不被用到」的快感。
like this *wink*

摩羯座屬於土象星系,性情相對比較穩定,平時的他們給人的印像是積極向上,腳踏實地,低調且不張揚,表情嚴肅,不拘言笑,有一定的城府,傷心與痛苦不會寫 在臉上,總是深深的藏在內心深處,當他有傷心之事時,他便會比平時更加努力地投入到工作與事業上去,他便是職場上的工作狂,當取得點成績時,他心中的煩悶 自會煙消雲散。

this is definitely correct

被巨蟹第二次愛上,便永遠生活在初愛的陰影下,即使他對你不離不棄,即使他向你保証你是他的最愛,但稍懂感情的人便明瞭,巨蟹需要的只是可以停泊靠岸的港 灣,他的愛決不會讓一個人佔有,最多,是誰更多一點罷了。也許,可以假裝忽略,就這樣糊里糊塗的愛著,然而,很多事情,抽到斷水水更流。

oh gosh, this is so damn right!



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Sunday, August 30, 2009 || 2:42 PM
spend about 2 hours plus to clean up my room yesterday
since it's look lil messy for me
and as I mention before, I can't concentrate the whole day on study

so, this is what I actually can do in order to spend my very-free-time


and so the result after the 2 hours plus

my study table is now look clean and tidy

this is force to put below my desk
I got no place for them

still messy, sigh
I got no idea how to arrange my stuff

too many tea here

okay, this is none of my business

consequences of annoying me, so I'd kill him

the dust for only two weeks
oh my gosh, Kampar is so polluted!

my fan is clean now
specially thanks to abang Fu

look lil mad and messy after all, Oops


is my hair growing?
perhaps, but too slow



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Friday, August 28, 2009 || 11:37 PM
okay, the first time ever I walk from dannish house to uni
so this is totally not fun at all!

what the bak
some more still need to walk til block E to take our bike then cycle back to Block B
are you kidding to me?
the distance alone between Block B and Block E is already not near
plus the distance from dannish house to uni's guard house and from guard house to Block B
45 minutes for the whole journey!
okay, better die now

consequences of leaving-bicycle-alone-at-uni

great, all housemate going back
Oops, is most of them, not all

the house should be left only around 5 people now, guess so

haunted? *cross-sign*
never-ever tell me this
I'd like haunting, but not alone *wink*

me and Leyna even suggest to text a short message to each other to give safety report each morning
no-gut-women *shake-head*

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xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Thursday, August 27, 2009 || 11:57 PM
purposely skip half class since the the class is bored as usual
all the way sneaking walk out the lecturer hall
and end up the rain god no allows us to go back
sad case

and of cause me and Leyna wouldn't choose to attend the class back
never ever ask me to do things which make me feel awkward

since the cruel 'rain-god' keep raining until even the class is all over
thus, end up we left our bicycle here alone at uni *pity*
and we went back by car

luckily got Leyna's friend's boy boy
complicate relation?
not really, LOL
white bang in car? again? not really *wink*


so now I know the reason
I'm right, you don't trust me
this is what end of your message?!

yea, what a great!
I don't really trust you? perhaps

we're like continue having some new problem for this relationship
and everything seem so ridiculous
how I gonna to trust you
can't you stand on me this side and think of it again

this is not the time yet to step more closer in this relation
this is what I think

I don't know what is inside your mind and I don't even know whether my decision is correct either
so are we still going fine?

great, I don't even know what I murmur about now, sad case

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xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 || 11:25 PM
join Leyna attend for her boyfriend's economic class

since I'd lost at chapter 5 and now is about chapter 12
so I have nothing to do in that class but to look around and find joke around

and my gosh
I hate the table chair in this class room

this is like so freaking small
isn't it?

see how Leyna squeeze herself while doing note
or maybe she didn't
whatever is it, it's still freaking small to me
is this comfortable?
Oh my gosh

UTAR memang got brain
and God bless me I'm not gonna to have any class using this class room
if not, can die

okay, great, the person sitting beside me has a very terrible body odour
perhaps is from his shirt
whatever is it, I still had to stand for it like about 2 hours
what the bak

found something!

look at this phone
(which is belong to ah ben, and ah ben is actually Leyna's boyfriend's friend)

its look still normal for the outer view


how about inside

inside is actually look like..






this is how its look
big different!

even button also gone

for only two year usage?
my goodness
I wonder what did the owner done to his phone

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xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Monday, August 24, 2009 || 9:25 PM
woke up early the morning cause got the urge to shit
and I have been continue shitting for the whole day

stomach not feeling well
wonder what I ate yesterday
chicken rice? biscuit?
no idea
I just get lil ill

change my blog skin, again

It take me quite sometime to find out some coding
even though I have insufficient time to do my revision for final
I just can't make myself concentrate the whole day on revision

I still can't function my window-close coding though
anyone can help?

anyway, this skin look nice
like it, wink

I like the song in my playlist here too

great, the weather today is so so so damn cold
yet, still need to cycle to uni to attend the one and the only class
freezing while cycling
and what the bak
purposely cycle under the rain and end up I don't even get what the lecturer was talking about
okay, fine about it
I'm use to this get-nothing-in-lecture-class since foundation

not going back for the weekend since all is out station and I don't have the key to get in my house
and also my daddy keep nagging me not to go back
due to the troublesome transmittable disease
sweat me, really

choose not to care can really make things solved?
what a interesting decision..



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Sunday, August 23, 2009 || 9:09 PM
great! you done a great job man!
your kindness successfully harm a person



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
ramdon in 22/8/09
|| 2:05 AM
great, just watch Ju On 1, 2 and 3 continuously
should be getting nightmare later

is time to do revision since final is around the corner
and Oh my gosh I'm lost since midterm
wonder can I catch up

lately feel unconfined with our relationship
perhaps I just over thought of somethings doesn't mean much to me
sorry, and yea, we need trust to build a relationship



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
random shit
Friday, August 21, 2009 || 10:15 PM
having some shitty dinner just now
海鲜绘饭=rice inside the soap?
urgh, what the bak
hate of eating the shitty wet rice
and great, my tongue got injured, again
consequences of eating hot stuff in the rush

going uni today for nothing

since we didn't get the lecture note
so we(me and Leyna) only attend the class for only 5 minutes
then ponteng
what the bak

our classmate was like.. huh? coming for only 5 minutes?
the chair didn't even get warn yet also

yea, cycle all the way to uni purposely come here for only 5 minutes
what a great deal we did
I think we're lil mad at making such decision
some more making me fall down from the bicycle while cycling to uni
and this worth for the only 5 minutes
*>.<* anyway, at least we did having lunch there 10a.m. considered as lunch? *LOL* perhaps my dinner for yesterday + breakfast for today + lunch for coming few hours *wink*

over means ended
please no more calling your ex as girlfriend
I did really mind of this your so-called what-a-big-deal



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 || 11:00 PM
woke up early the morning to settle the ptptn loan's stuff, again
and congrats me, I finally done with all this bloody shit
>.< *** back to the incident this was what the hell the line is about

since the line was like so farking long, so Leyna and I decided to went back first
and come back later at evening

yet, we still got back here on noon
due to some 'reason'

continue queue up for like a century


very excited from the beginning

after like about 10 hours..

thinking of when is our turn..

need some water to survive

look at this guard
bring his patung while working?

the lady who always wearing the cloth I have
wanna to tell this women not to wear certain cloth
even the pants she wearing now

wonder why abang Fu so exciting?

the direction abang Fu looking at

few day didnt wash hair?

half day has gone...

so this is what basically we did for the bloody hours we had in this hall

and this is so damn farking exhausted
I wonder why government was so farking got brain and farking troublesome

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xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Sunday, August 16, 2009 || 11:21 PM

so this is how great!
its taken me ages to text a message



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
yoyo & cici
Friday, August 14, 2009 || 11:10 PM

finally found out their name
yoyo & cici



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Thursday, August 13, 2009 || 6:07 PM
Hey playboy
It's about time
And your time's up
I had to do this one for my girls you know
That's the only way you boys learn

I can't ever forgive you for that lipstick on your collar
Every day, your phone's always off
It doesn't seem like you're going to change oh oh

All those girlfriends you call "friends"
Don't think of me in the same way as them, I won't let it fly
From now on, do as you want, I'm going to stop caring
For some time I really loved you but oh

Sometimes you get drunk, and call me, now it's 5:30 am
Again you say another girl's name no

I don't care, I'll stop caring about what you're doing wherever you are
From now on I really don't care, I'll get out of the way
From now on don't come to me and cry, and cling on
cause I don't care e e e e e e
cause I don't care e e e e e e

cause I don't care e e e e e e
cause I don't care e e e e e e
Boy I don't care

Stealing glances at other girl's legs
You're so so hopeless
Everyday you take off your couple ring, and secretly go on a blind date
I don't think that I'll be able to take it anymore oh oh oh

My friends say that you're not really worth it
You even went to your wolf-like friends for advice but
I'd rather keep it simple, I'm too good for you
I believed you were my love but oh oh

Today you said you were busy, I tried phoning you but
As expected, in the background I heard a girl's laugh oh no

I don't care, I'll stop caring about what you're doing wherever you are
From now on I really don't care, I'll get out of the way
From now on don't come to me and cry, and cling on
cause I don't care e e e e e e
cause I don't care e e e e e e

cause I don't care e e e e e e
cause I don't care e e e e e e
Boy I don't care

Because of you, I remember crying till dawn boy
I regret every time I think about you when my heart was too easy, huh boy?
I'm too good to throw away and too boring to have
You should've treated me better when we were together why are you clinging to me now

You fooled me with your lies hundreds of times
From today on, I'll be a bad girl who makes guys cry
Now without a single tear, I'll laugh at you
Loser who's inside a game called love
Get on your knees and take me back
If not, get out of my sight right now

I don't care, I'll stop caring about what you're doing wherever you are
From now on I really don't care, I'll get out of the way
From now on don't come to me and cry, and cling on
cause I don't care e e e e e e
cause I don't care e e e e e e
Boy I don't care

currently addicted

this feeling is so damn suck
fuck! the troublesome loan simply making me dizzy



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 || 5:48 PM
whoa, today class was like.. is there everyone going back hometown?
LOL, UTAR culture which is to skip class after all mid-term

so this what basically we done at the tutorial class today
when Mr. ah Yong their group was having their management presentation

purposely go and sit in front of the tutor in order can be the time keeper for this presentation
semangat gila =.="
Leyna even call me to take the bell myself

find out something funny

can't stop playing with the bell

my Gosh, Leyna look damn cute in this picture LOL


can we stoppit?!

I think the tutor gonna to kill us! hee

we're totally mad with this @.@

whoa, look at our dark eyes circles
didn't sleep for the whole month? how come..

end up
we're hopeless
the tutor can't comment us any
he perhaps will wonder why he is having this childish students



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Saturday, August 8, 2009 || 10:25 PM
screw up the whole night for today test
and now, wow! I'm freaking sleepy
I even felt like sleeping at the time I cycling back
ain't I marvellous? hee

its actually doesn't that tough anyway
is just, on-the-level
and yes, some discussion during exam as usual

"holy shit" this is what the sound came beside me
the reaction of Mr. ah Yong
due to the shock for the sudden disappear of his answer sheet
and he didn't notice that I had just took it when he is busying discuss some don't-know-what with Ck
so he thought his answer was just gone in that way
laughing my ass out

and also my pen cover gone after the kan cheong accounting test
what the hack!
pen cover wanted!
I can't manage to find it back (T.T)

Mr. ah Yong's bottle pulak gone in such way and miraculously found it on few roll in front of where we actually sat
and he is so damn afraid to take back that actually-is-his-bottle-and-he-thought-is-her's bottle
and this 'her' stand for someone in our tutorial class
LOL he don't know that the truth that actually is Ck accidently kick it until it roll down during the very kan cheong 10 second (time to pass up answer sheet)

so, this is what the joke made when during the test

still, there is something pissed me off
where the fucking ever examiner I ever met

this fucking bitch, with her freaking annoying voice plus the asshole counted 10 second
people didn't even finish to staple, write name and everything
and she's so rush to push us run down from up on the hill for only to pass up the shitty paper
what is so damn fucking wrong with her

and, please no more bloody left-five-more-minutes for my test
also, no more 16°c during my exam

time for drama, Gee

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xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
PTPTN loan
Friday, August 7, 2009 || 2:36 PM
Anda telah ditawarkan pembiayaan pendidikan sejumlah RM 48,000
sila klik terima tawaran untuk menerima jumlah tawaran

yeah, I like this sentences so much



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 || 12:44 PM
consequences of insomniac -- sleep with stomach full
consequences of headache -- not enough sleep due to insomniac
consequences of speaking incoherently -- dizzy plus seriously headache
how great!
specially thanks for the two delicious cake and also ah Lip's reaction for his birthday incident

anyway, today presentation was ended
hopefully the marks will be desirable

what our management topic oreadi arr?

how great you asking this question
not giving any corporation and now even don't know what was our assignment topic?
you done a great job, women

don't keep on asking me the same question if you don't believe in
I found it no point to keep answering for what you asked

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xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
end and begin
Monday, August 3, 2009 || 8:40 PM
finally come to the end of all mid-term-test + assignment + presentation in this week
oh yes, this is so damn great

now is time to plan for what to do after the following week
too free making people feel boring
especially in Kampar here
no movie no shopping no entertainment and what else can expect

if can on PPS here then it will be better
but unfortunately...

anyone got any idea of what can do at this very-free-time in this very-boring place?

by the way
will be going back home on study week
actually still deciding whether to go back on national day or study week
Puchong, I'm coming

wanna go shopping!

simply get in a relationship because of desperation?
LOL. never ever



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Saturday, August 1, 2009 || 11:46 PM
bag wanted!

this too expensive



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.