Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

Hey hey.
here's all belongs to Jenn.
mind yourself, please

If you dislike this blog, just LEAVE

Jenn Jenn

kissed goodbye lovey teenage on 3rd of January , currently studying at UniversityTunkuAbdulRahman, sleep in Selangor, Malaysia. You can contact me at JennL_ok@hotmail.com, strictly no spammer allow. Find my faded footprint at my | previous blog.

LovesMy Babes, boyfrie , Shoes and Bags, Tomato sauce, Morning Dream
Hates lizard, cat's tail, body odour, backstabbers, fuck-face, unreasonable-idiots

Lastly, If you think you know me well
read my blog, and think again

Did you tell me you would never leave me this way?

The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away

Twitter Me.

follow Jenn at http://twitter.com

I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

❥ Jenn, the faded memories
❥ Cheryl
❥ Leyna
❥ Leanne

• Abang Fu
• Alex
• Ashley
• BiBi
• Brother-James
• Elisa
• Gun
• Hui Nee
• Jane-blogspot
• Jass
• Jennie
• Jing Cong
• LiLi
• Sam-LazyOne
• Sam
• Tzia
• Yao

♥ SpyOrange
♥ WanWan
♥ cheesie
♥ XiaXue

you count down ten to one, when on zero you can smile

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“life will be better in spring”
June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 May 2012

Oowh gosH
Sunday, November 29, 2009 || 7:33 PM
so back to Puchong yesterday's evening

should I consider lucky or what?
I have been invited to erm some-what-advent where I actually not so sure what's about *timid*
is just some Catholic church event *nod head* =)

right after when I step the first step to my lovey dovey house >.< now ="(">.< style="text-align: right;">

will going for an interview session on Wednesday
I saw money flying in XD

but gosh, I forgot to bring back my cosmetic
and the ms.Michelle still didn't tell me the exact location yet
she perhaps don't get what I say
hello~ I'm a Puchong fellow and you think I don't know where ioi mall is?! un-understandable *shake head*
so am decided to search out on the day since ioi is not a huge =)

didn't get flu this time when got home, gee~



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 || 10:01 AM
having Sejarah mid-term test and Emotional Intelligence presentation later
gosh, I'm now only half way preparing the test and got no time to prepare the presentation
okay, am nervous enough now
hopefully can discuss discuss lil during exam =X

why there is so much advertisement in my mail? ish!
same as IE. always pop up with weird advertisement



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
=X Incident
Monday, November 23, 2009 || 11:44 AM

this is so happened yesterday

where I actually forgot to sign out my Facebook account after using people's lappie

and I rush back home

end up, this incidence had drove me crazy

my comment box almost burst
same goes as email box

because of this weirdo status updated

some has been deleted, of course

after all, ll never ever lets this happen again. Lol

here has been few days raining
I'm about run out of shirt to wear if my cloth still can't manage to get dry up =X

few days having delivery for meals due to rain god too. sigh

someone has showing me his butt via webcam
making me LOL

you don't sacrifice things that cost you nothing.
this doesn't means to sacrifice

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xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Saturday, November 21, 2009 || 5:48 PM
Japanese presentation was just ended

the fat-ass had bring too much bullets to shut us today
pity for ms. I group which the fat-ass has somehow shut them as the worst group directly
this is rude man!

another two mid term is around the corner
and I have no idea of how to stuck in all the 8 chapter of history thingy into my lil brain =(
I hate this subject since form 2
and have phobia after ms. Lee class =X

the cloth had arrived
but but but...
*big sigh*
me and Leyna was totally unsatisfied with the jacket
plus I got a-don't-know-what-cloth and end up I find out it is actually a shirt that so much differ from the photo =/

wonder how they measure the cloth

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xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 || 10:33 PM

went for the movie 2012 XD

the hero is just too extraordinary lucky to get alive
with all his things goes right
a lil fake somehow
yet, overall the movie is quite real in the way of describing how people react in that time
wonder how would it be when the earth do really come to the end
everyone rushing here and there, seek for places to survive, pray for God and what else?
in fact, people just afraid of death

and by the way,
for those who still act so selfishness when they are about to die, they are so dead
can imagine it

anyway, how will you choose the way to left the earth when the day has come?
should be consider about it right? Lol

got myself another MNG singlet ♥
but it seem will gone loose after washing it =(



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Monday, November 16, 2009 || 12:01 PM
I miss out the day =(



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Sunday, November 15, 2009 || 9:23 AM
a very awkward yum-cha session yesterday night

supposedly there should be a yum-cha session after the interrogate session conducted by mr.B
but since the rain god worked on night sift so then we simply just suggested to go mr.B room
to have some so-called-yum-cha-session
and here came to a BOOM

there is amiss for someone who kept facebook-ing without respect all of those present
but there also seem improper for someone exploded sudden in front all of us isn't?
some more I think not everyone there is close enough that you can show out this personality right?

*P/s: just some personal opinion, no hard feeling ya ^^*

pity mr.S, he should be flustered with this so sudden happened

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xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 || 11:49 PM
workaholic for assignment this few days
asshole thingy did happen of course
but it's the minor one

1214 had become the house of assignment
my housemate just too prefer to bring their groupmate here to have their very perhaps long-winded-speeches-discussion
especially the very-Young-one staying beside me
I bet you know who I means

In fact, this the-very-Young-one did really pissed me yesterday with their 3-hours-non-stop-speeches
chicken even say his speech can got a over-extended-full-marks already *nod head*

here, I need to talk about the consequences of the house of assignment
noise-pollution is the main of course
not enough space for them to have their so and so discussion will be the second one
electric fees increase was the fact since everyone need their lappie to get work done

and and and the very ridiculous consequences you will never figure it out will be...

it's a disaster from those asadi slipper owner due to a hard time for searching back their slipper when time they leave 1214!
Lol. consequences of too much asadi fans living here

is either Leyna and me having a critical problem in expressing
or your heart went for a vacation

I think the second one will be more correct
so, please hurry go and find what is actually missing
also, no more the forth time out to topic thingy
*a big sigh*

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xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Saturday, November 7, 2009 || 10:54 PM
busy Saturday cause me have a feeling that today is actually Friday

attend MUET early the morning
the listening part actually a shit I can say
UTAR just simply arrange us to have this test in what we so-called the-semi-open-football-feild
HA! so say bye bye to our 20 marks

without having my lunch
I need to rush to my Japanese lecture class
thanks God! my group for the Japanese assignment settle

continue with tutorial after the lecture class
rainbow for today

my hunger sustain until my dinner time =(



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Friday, November 6, 2009 || 7:59 PM
so tomorrow will have bag to keep my belongings
and no more asking "where is your bag?" and "no bag? your belonging is just this little?"

lil mad during the Sejarah Kulia just now
simply describing people faces
Lol. end up we have people who look alike
沙煲仔in the drama of 富贵门, Jacky Cheong, 古巨基, some evil faces, some old faces...
my Sejarah lecture will be alike as post man and pizza delivery man
end up I make a story to conclude his complicated working character

morning he will be a post man, until 4pm he will continue to work as a pizza deliverer,
and now is actually his half way curi tulang to come and act as lecturer

burst out laughing
sorry, this is the consequences of too boring during your class

so our Sejarah test 1 had just passes
a totally unwillingness preparation test
me and Leyna was just to confident that we can cheat with under-table-notes
end up we actually ask to put all ours belongings in front or behind the hall
freak out and nervous
yet, we still cheat though discussing among each other =)

having MUET tomorrow =(

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xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
no good thingy Here
Wednesday, November 4, 2009 || 9:46 AM
so everyone now is having Japanese freak?
Lol, I can see lot sa my Utar friends typo Japanese on their msn, facebook, blog, and where else
me either *wink*
perhaps, this is the way we can practice our 日本ご

the cloth still haven't arrive yet
means what?
Leyna was worrying
I think there will be nothing goes wrong, just some posting thingy delay

MUET is around the corner
I seriously don't know how to answer few test in this insufficient time
Oh Mm Gee, can die now

nervous for something right now =(



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 || 12:16 PM

is there any dialog ended among friends?
if there is? how then?

sound lil sad



xoxo, ♥my complicate life.