Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

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here's all belongs to Jenn.
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Jenn Jenn

kissed goodbye lovey teenage on 3rd of January , currently studying at UniversityTunkuAbdulRahman, sleep in Selangor, Malaysia. You can contact me at JennL_ok@hotmail.com, strictly no spammer allow. Find my faded footprint at my | previous blog.

LovesMy Babes, boyfrie , Shoes and Bags, Tomato sauce, Morning Dream
Hates lizard, cat's tail, body odour, backstabbers, fuck-face, unreasonable-idiots

Lastly, If you think you know me well
read my blog, and think again

Did you tell me you would never leave me this way?

The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away

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I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

❥ Jenn, the faded memories
❥ Cheryl
❥ Leyna
❥ Leanne

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you count down ten to one, when on zero you can smile

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“life will be better in spring”
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Let's Sleep Doh
Monday, November 29, 2010 || 3:38 PM

Hey, it's Monday blue again!
how was last night? Do you sleep? Er, I mean, do you having a GOOD sleep last night?

Okay, I found that many people around me are not having sufficient sleep, not to say a quality sleep. Including me. I always came across with this situation where when it come to 10.30p.m. I know that I have get ready to off everything and to bed, then my boyfriend come online, and we skype! until few hours. Yes! we can skype few hours everyday I don't know why we didn't get bored with it or run outta speech. Heh, I should know right. And Yes ended up my plan on my everyday's fail a lil just because I have to skype everyday until 1a.m. plus with boyfriend without getting bored fml.

And Ha, I think it's time to take control of my sleep so I tried to offline off everything yesterday on 10.30p.m. just to make sure I am asleep on 11p.m. to get all my toxin outta my body. But you know what, I really get myself offline off light and went to bed. BUT, ended up I still close my eyes late night at 1a.m.! because ended up we SMS fml. fail MAX!!

well *sigh a lil
I still have to tell everyone of you here Ps: including me, myself!

Each people's sleep requirement might be different. Some people find that they only need about 5-6 hours of sleep, while other need 10-11 hours for optimal performance. Still, average adult function best with 7-8 hours of sleep per night. However, it is important to consider how much sleep you need on an individual basis. It's all about the biological clock function which regulates our sleep-wake cycles.

newborns: sleep-wake cycles are frequent and spread evenly during 24-hour; sleep 3-4 hours, waking 1-2 hours, around the clock.
1-year infant: sleep 10 hours from around 7p.m. til 5a.m. with a couple of naps during the day time.
4-5 age children: sleep 11-12 hours with one nap in the afternoon.
at age 10: sleep 10 hours form 9p.m. til 7a.m. without nap
adult: 7-8 hours at night.

Senior adults were long considered to have further shortened sleep requirements, but it is now thought that this is only because they tend to get less sleep due to increasing intrinsic sleep disturbance, such as sleep apnea, or musculoskeletal pain, which may interrupt or truncate the sleep interval.

also note that, research study conducted by Boston University School of Medicine found that study participants that reported sleeping less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours a day had an increased incidence of diabetes, compared to those who slept 7-8 hours
wth? seriously? okay I not gonna to wake up late anymore

Despite the quantity of hours we need for sleep, for Malaysian (or Asian?), our ideal time to sleep is from 11p.m. till 5a.m. I not sure if other people in other country also the same. So, if you went to bed at 2am and woke up at 10am, you will not be in tip top shape. It’s crucial to have not only the right amount of sleep, but to also sleep at the right time.


here is what I google for the schedule of detoxification process in our body
Ps: it's hard to search this schedule I don't know why, I mean, I have been google google but everything was telling me about the amount of hours to sleep but none is saying the right time to sleep wth people only consider quantities nowadays? so you gotta appreciate it I find for you wth. Lol

2100-2300: the disposal of toxins (detoxification) in the antibody system. During this period we have in the calm atmosphere, no busy work is allow. Probably you can find something to read, like jenn-herthoughts.blogspot.com wth. LOL or listen some music etc.

2300-0100: in part of liver the detoxification process took place. At this time, you must be asleep! Yes, is fall asleep not preparing to sleep cause the process will only function best during sleep

0100-0300: the process of detoxification section bile, also, you must be sleeping right here.

0300-0500: detoxification in the lungs.

0500-0700: detoxification colon section. this is the right time to pee. If you can shit at this time is the best!

0700-0900: absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, that's why we need to eat breakfast. If not everything in the body cannot function optimally. For those who sick should eat more at the morning before 6.30!

so, if you cross this time then your body will no longer detox and the toxin will then accumulate in your body and guess what, your body have only 2 hours for each part to be detox for a certain amount of toxin, that's means during the next detox process your body might not able to detox everything and the next time you cross that period again, you AGAIN accumulate the toxin, and.. Yea.. you get the picture.

thus, to improve quality sleeping, try the following tips:

make sure your sleeping area is DARK, yes, dark, I mean.
You body recognizes "dark" for it to be fully at rest, any hint of light will cause your brain to go into "aware" mode, whether you like it or not. This makes your brain work despite your other organs still resting.

I don't know why certain people was afraid of darkness so whenever they sleep they will on the light and sleep and then their body will not get fully rested. This waste electricity and boost the electric bill.

If you're so maybe you can try to reduce luminosity every time you went to bed and ended up you may able to sleep in the dark. In malay we say belum try belum tau, satu kali try hari hari mau wth I feel this slogan kinda yellowish I don't know why. I always feel that the one who say this is very obscene. Oops, did I just say it? wth I'm obscene fml

make sure it is in silence mode
Some people say that music helps them sleep. But sound will make one relax to a certain extent, with sound still present, your brain will still be at work to work your ears. Making your body not being able to be fully at rest. For me, I don't like any sound during my sleep. But, I think I already get use with it why because the room am staying now is just opposite two cyber cafe and every night there are sure 'lala zai' and mat rempit shout here shout there with lotsa rude words and motor 'broom broom' sound I will be glad if they back home and sleep.

sleep in a right posture with a suitable mattress and pillow
This is again explained why I can't have a good sleep because I don't have a good mattress now at Kampar here. How nice if one day the owner say "hey, lets I sponsor you the mattress you want" *XD

Get rid of all your laptops, TV, radios, video games from your room
again, I have this syndrome where I want to sleep, I still won't go to sleep because the computer is just right in front of my and I don't want to log off. So NO DISTRACTIONS WHILE SLEEPING! Heh, I know right.

Do not take long nap during day time
the ideal hours for a nap during afternoon will be 20 minutes. Yes, no doubt it's not typo error, is 20 minutes I repeat. Research found that people take 20 minutes nap during afternoon will make their life longer. But what about if excess 20 minutes? Life shorter? Omg I got no ideal about it. Yea, sleep too much during the day time will affect the quality of sleep during night time because you will probably having insomnia trust me. I have experiences before I nap for 1 hour then I wake up I feel dizzy lazy then I went back to nap for another 1 hour then at night I couldn't sleep anymore FML. That's why better don't sleep on noon wth because if I nap I will nap wake up dizzy lazy then nap again wake up dizzy lazy then nap.. and I have no life anymore fml and on the other hand I probably couldn't get enough for only 20 minutes nap despite the fact it might make my life longer. Nah, who care.

other things are no caffeine after 1 or 2 p.m., don't consume anything sugary after 7 p.m. And take a nice relaxing warm bath or sniff a few drops of essential oils of your choice to help you relax if you need. But I don't. Also, no food consumption after 9p.m. and don't do excessive exercise 1 hours before sleep.

thats' all!
have a nice sleep




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